i love taking pictures!!!!

so those of you who know me personally, know that i broke my ankle new years eve. booo!
and on top of the pain and all the other un-fun stuff, i couldn't take pictures for 6 weeks. and it was NOT cool!

in the past couple weeks i've been trying to catch up and i've already had a couple of super fun sessions!

first of all i'd like you to meet little miss e.
doesn't she have the most amazing eyes?

this past weekend i met up with zach and his gf celeste for his senior pics.......... aren't they the cutest ever!

and i'm pretty sure this is my newest favorite picture ever. ever. ever.
i've been driving past this old empty building for months and wishing i could take pictures with it.... SO glad i finally go to! how awesome is that old school yellow arrow!!
and here's zach, who has some pretty nice blue eyes himself!!

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